Couples therapy can be highly effective in helping you enhance your relationship, as long as you don't delay recognizing issues or resort to conflict tactics that lead to personal insults or violence. My aim as a therapist is to educate both the public in general and you specifically about relationships and how to access my services before conflicts escalate to a destructive level.

One principle of conflict is that each participant often wishes for the other person to change. In reality, the person with the most influence in a conflict often tends to place the responsibility for maintaining peace on the less influential party. My role is to assist each individual in the relationship to acknowledge and effectively manage their own behavior when conflicts arise.

Therapy is most effective when you are genuinely open with yourself and your partner. In cancer treatment, effectiveness relies on completely removing a cancerous growth during surgery; the same principle applies to psychotherapy. I'm not here as a referee; my role is to facilitate productive communication between you and help you develop the essential skills for more effective communication. The success of psychotherapy ultimately hinges on honesty and commitment to your promises.

Implementing the agreements and decisions made during our sessions in your daily life at home is crucial. Changing long-standing habits and behavior patterns requires consistent effort and practice over time. In most cases, relationships can see significant improvement through compliments instead of criticism, showing loving kindness instead of contempt, embracing openness rather than defensiveness, and engaging actively rather than resorting to stonewalling.

Clients often come to therapy with a sense of defeat. They say, "We've tried everything, and nothing has worked." What they are truly conveying is that they have exhausted their known methods, and none have yielded positive results. Although I empathize with their frustration, developing trust in the therapeutic process may represent one of the most significant hurdles toward a successful outcome. While your relationship's challenges may not be your fault, they fall within your responsibility.

My dedication lies in fortifying your connection by instructing you to harness conflict constructively to gain insight, enhance communication skills, and deepen intimacy.

Infidelity-The act or state of being unfaithful to a spouse or sexual partner.